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As a servant of God’s Highest Light, I seek to live that truth in every way. My goal is and has always been, to allow the Highest Light of the Creator to flow through and manifest in whatever way fulfills the need of the receiver. I have no personal agenda save to serve and to get out of the way to become a more powerful instrument of Light.
I live to watch the transformation of others and how very rewarding that has been throughout my lifetime. To see those with fourth stage breast cancer suddenly go into remission, to watch clients whom have suffered for years with mental, emotional, addictive or self-destructive behaviors completely turned around, that is what brings me the greatest joy.
I have been witness to the metamorphosis of thousands and thousands of people over the past 24 years and am astounded and profounded each and every time there is change, large or small. In many of my clients the changes have been dramatic, in others very subtle, in all consistent and fulfilling.
I have received letters from many who continue to live the simple principles which Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Yogananda, Martin Luther King and so many other wise souls have taught us.
There is a golden cord running through all belief systems and that is the simple but powerful truth of Love. Love yourself, love your neighbor, love your enemies, love those you will never encounter but love with all your heart. Love heals, love quickens, love rights, love inspires, love lifts, love transforms. Love flowing freely from any human being will get the same returned in kind. I pray that I inspire that from all those who call me “teacher” and I pray that they know the peace, the love, the joy, the fulfillment which comes from a beautiful walk with the Holy Spirit. It is the life I live and the one I would choose again and again.
May the discovery of your calling in life bring you as much love, light and laughter as mine has bought to me.
With Beams of Love, Light & Laughter,
This picture was taken without flash by a Olympus Stylus camera at the Broadmoor on May 1, 2011 during a 3 year spiritual process which was accompanied by extraordinary displays of light visible to the naked eye. It has not been altered in any way with Photoshop or the like. Many more pictures like this one were taken during that 3 year process which reached it's climax in mid 2013 and can be viewed in my photostream above or on Facebook/photos/albums/MyPersonalBeamsOfLoveLightandLaughter.
I live to watch the transformation of others and how very rewarding that has been throughout my lifetime. To see those with fourth stage breast cancer suddenly go into remission, to watch clients whom have suffered for years with mental, emotional, addictive or self-destructive behaviors completely turned around, that is what brings me the greatest joy.
I have been witness to the metamorphosis of thousands and thousands of people over the past 24 years and am astounded and profounded each and every time there is change, large or small. In many of my clients the changes have been dramatic, in others very subtle, in all consistent and fulfilling.
I have received letters from many who continue to live the simple principles which Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Yogananda, Martin Luther King and so many other wise souls have taught us.
There is a golden cord running through all belief systems and that is the simple but powerful truth of Love. Love yourself, love your neighbor, love your enemies, love those you will never encounter but love with all your heart. Love heals, love quickens, love rights, love inspires, love lifts, love transforms. Love flowing freely from any human being will get the same returned in kind. I pray that I inspire that from all those who call me “teacher” and I pray that they know the peace, the love, the joy, the fulfillment which comes from a beautiful walk with the Holy Spirit. It is the life I live and the one I would choose again and again.
May the discovery of your calling in life bring you as much love, light and laughter as mine has bought to me.
With Beams of Love, Light & Laughter,
This picture was taken without flash by a Olympus Stylus camera at the Broadmoor on May 1, 2011 during a 3 year spiritual process which was accompanied by extraordinary displays of light visible to the naked eye. It has not been altered in any way with Photoshop or the like. Many more pictures like this one were taken during that 3 year process which reached it's climax in mid 2013 and can be viewed in my photostream above or on Facebook/photos/albums/MyPersonalBeamsOfLoveLightandLaughter.
Contact: Ariaa Jaeger Phone: (719) 232-7950 | [email protected] |
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